Book Your Free Trial

Wednesday - 1st session, 15:30 - 16:10 = Year1 - Year2

Wednesday - 2nd session, 16:10 - 16:50 = Year3 - Year4

Wednesday - 3rd session, 16:50 - 17:30 = Year5 - Year6

A child can attend more than 1 session

1 session /week = £30 per month

2 sessions/week = £50 per month (£10 discount)

3 sessions/week = £75 per month (£15 discount)

Sibling & family discounts available on request

Please set up a monthly standing order for the 1st of the month to

M CHILONGO - - Account: 36005142 - - Sort Code: 60-12-51

Please Note, 1 months cancellation notice is required in writing

Contact form

Masimba Chilongo (Coach)

Masimba possesses a deep understanding of basketball and demonstrates a natural ability to coach people of all ages.

He fosters a positive and encouraging
environment during coaching sessions, ensuring that all participants have a fun and engaging learning experience.


Sports Hall, Brookside Primary School, Bucknell Road, Bicester  OX26 2DB

15:30 - 17:30


Our mission is to provide a positive, encouraging yet challenging environment where players can develop basketball skills, build confidence, leadership skills and improve health.

We seek to in-still confidence on and off the court, and make a positive difference in the lives of each one of our players.